A unique approach to changing behaviour through communication.

Using Behavioural Science to Optimise Communications

How it works

An expert review rooted in behavioural science, using our COGNITION framework:

IDEATE: ‘long list’ of optimisations identified via the COGNITION framework

PRIORITISE: shortlist of optimisations agreed, based upon feasibility, opportunity and likely impact

TEST: optimisations amongst the target audience, via a suitable method (selected according to requirements)

Deliverables include a set of recommended Communication Optimisations Guidelines (COGs). Each rooted in behavioural science theory and the COGNITION framework. Each designed to change specific behaviours.

More on Behavioral Science & Communications

Persuasion is not enough 100x100

Persuasion is Not Enough

Read the blog post

Sciencing the sh_t out of communications 100x100

Sciencing the sh*t out of communications

Download the article

Mind your language 100x100

Mind Your Language

Read the blog post

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